Daniel Bryan def. WWE World
Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton
the WWE Universe’s legions at his back, Daniel Bryan has found himself in
contention for WrestleMania glory, and after eating Randy Orton, he might be
the new “Face of WWE” to boot. The “Yes”! man wasted no time in picking up
where he left off with the Champion of Champions, dropkicking The Viper’s knee
to mush against the ring post, following up with an Indian Deathlock that Orton
escaped by out-and-out biting Bryan in the knee.
didn’t do the trick for long, as Bryan twice turned Orton into a human
projectile – once into the announce table, and once off the turnbuckle with a
top-rope hurricanrana. Orton found separation by dissecting Bryan’s shoulder
with a series of brutal submission holds, though a missile dropkick from Bryan
evened things out. The two Superstars traded heavy shots on each other for
minutes on end until WWE Director of Operations Kane came down to stop the
madness. Bryan had no love for his former partner, though, blasting both Orton
and Kane with a suicide dive before finishing The Viper off with a knee to the
former tag partner wasn’t about to hug it out in celebration, though; Kane
repaid his old friend’s attack with unmitigated brutality, joining forces with
Orton to leave the submission master flat on the mat with a chokeslam. If
Daniel Bryan is indeed the new Face of WWE, consider this his first black eye.
From https://www.wwe.com